Saturday, July 3, 2010

that guy I wanna make babies with ;p

Okay I'm not as horny as the title sounds hahahah.

Lately, my mom has been talking much about marriage with me! Erkkk! Yes, dulu I yang selalu gatal cakap pasal kawin with my mom, but it was just a plain conversation but apparently, my mom thought I was serious bout getting married soon and siap bagi green light kot she said if I really do wanna get married now time tengah belajar, she has nothing against it. Whooaaa.

Before kawin, kena reality check dulu. I have to be sure that the guy I'm marrying is really someone worth spending my whole life with. Kalau tersilap kawin dengan laki ala-ala Jejai ex husband Nora Danish who is now dating Fasha Sanda and at the same time pergi announce dekat the whole world yang Tiz Zaqyah nak date nak dengan dia, kan naya. OK kantoi baca gossip artis hari-hari wakakaka.

OK hari ni bukan gossip artis popular, bukan juga pasal artis suam-suam kuku. Hari ni gossip pasal diri sendiri je.

So, who is that guy I wanna make babies with? Jeng jeng jeng!

  1. Tak panas baran. Not a good match cuz I can no longer tolerate dengan orang panas baran. Sebab kalau orang tu jenis panas baran suka pakai kata-kata kesat, sorry beb, gua punya kosa kata kesat pun tak kurang hebatnya, just don't let me use them all. Kalau orang tu jenis panas baran suka terajang girlfriend/bini, errr, I have pepper spray with me all the time ;p hahah (Nanti lah, aku dah lama berazam nak amek self defense class sebenarnya ;p)
  2. Someone who mean what he said, and do what he promised to. Sebenarnya this is really lacking in most guys nowadays. Cakap ikut suka jeeee, janji apa yang dia cakap tu sedapkan hati aku time tu, dia cakap, tapi when it comes to fulfilling what he said, he failed miserably. INI PANTANG YG MAHA BESAR BAGI AKU. I am that girl who will remember every promises made to her(me lah), and I will feel so sedih so mad so frustrated if whatever yang you promised tu, you tak buat. Walaupun benda kecil. I take your every word seriously.
  3. Someone who will say sorry when he knows he has to. And orang yang kenal aku closely will know that I am not that kind of person yang berdendam and suka drag a fight lama2. A sincere sorry will do. And pls, I pantang orang tak cakap sorry lepas tu buat-buat like nothing happened. IT'S NOT OKAY AT ALL.
  4. Punctual. I don't mind waiting, but I hate to be the only person who has to wait and wait and wait. INI JUGA PANTANG. But judging from our culture, the malay culture, punctuality is hard to instill, really. But tolonglah punctual when going out for a date with your girlfriend. Sebab tahu kah anda wahai boyfriend2, girlfriend anda sanggup bangun awal, spend nearly an hour depan meja solek, and another 1 hour trying out baju, just to go out for a date with you. So, it's a big turn off when the boyfriend is late for a date! (Sila baca 3 kali sebagai menunjukkan betapa pentingnya punctuality in a relationship)
  5. Not a party animal. It's a real no-no. If I have to choose between a party animal and a nerd, I'd rather choose the nerd teehee. Alcohol and drugs are not okay with me. Ini boleh meruntuhkan rumah tangga. Social smoker is fine.
  6. Educated and can really make money out of it. Before tuduh I sebagai materialistic, I am here to say that I am being realistic. Takde perempuan yang nak kawin and be the only person who will contribute financially to the family. Not to say that I won't contribute, but the guy has bigger responsibility on this. Kan girlsss? ;p
  7. Speaks English fluently. English yang terabur is a turn off. And I super adore guys who are good at words coz I'm a sucker for beautiful words, be it written or spoken. OKlah, spoken geli sikit kot. Haha
  8. Someone who is able to protect me(and the family) from anything and anyone. Ciri-ciri sebegini is well seen pada hero cerita Hindustan. Yes, I want someone exactly like hero cerita hindustan. Someone yang juga tough dan kuat. Jangan pulak kalau perompak masuk rumah, the husband menyorok belakang I. Kalau camtu, I will terajang the husband first, baru the perompak.
  9. Romantic and sweet walaupun dah 10 tahun together. Tidak memerlukan ulasan yang panjang lebar. I'm a sucker for this, enough said.
  10. Someone who is willing to layan my interest and make effort to like it as well. Opposite attraction is common, but common interest is crucial. So, if your guy loves football, the girl kena lah make effort to at least like it as well. And if I love travelling, the guy kena lah willing to teman I travel. Tapi kalau willing to go travel with me, tak payah nak merungut all the way time travel, "penat lah", "banyak habis duit lah", "tak best lah". Tak sincere langsung kot. If you're not willing to adapt, then you're not willing to be with me. Well said, I guess.
  11. Someone who is able to guide me. Semua orang pun nak laki macam ni. Kalau laki tu hanyut, mintak maap lah. Selamat jalan romeo.
  12. Someone yang hebat kemahiran hidup. Okay seriously, a guy needs to have some basics on how to fix things. It's a must. You should be able to change the light bulb (wakakak ok tipu, ini aku pun boleh buat), do a little bit of plumbing, errr, sedikit aktiviti pertukangan ke, reformat the laptop ke, wiring ke, engine ke, anything lah. Alah, I don't know much. Afterall, it's a guy thing. Tak macho lah kalau tak tau. Haha.
  13. Someone yang tidak mengamalkan white lie. Eh, cannot tahan lah this one. If you think white lie can save a relationship, to me, white lie can ruin a relationship! I prefer to face a cold truth than a white lie. And pls eh, pantang kot orang cakap tak serupa bikin. "Jap sayang, lagi 5 mins sampai, I tengah nak masuk parking" padahal still on the road! WHOAAHHHH! Ini bikin panas ye masss!
Heee. Boleh je nak tulis banyak lagi sebenarnya. Haha. But the rest are the minor-minor things that I can tolerate kot. What I listed are what I really am looking for in a guy, for a serious relationship that is. Not that I am still looking ;p Me available nehi hai. Eh eh pepandai cakap hindustan.

Lately, adalah sangat ramai my friends + old friends yang kawin and tunang. Honestly, I sedikit jealous. I so adore guys who are not afraid to take your relationship to the next level. Meaning, he's not afraid to commit. Coz to me, if a guy really want you, he'll do just anything to prove it. Bukan bagi alasan berjela. Ini tak, pandai bercinta, pandai berdating, pandai menggatal, but when it comes to marriage, the guy freaks out. Eleh, ramai je macam tu.

Seriously lah, if freak out sebab tengah belajar and still takde duit, I can understand. But if dah stable semua and still freak out, you just show the real you. There's really no point of spending another day with a guy like that. Eh eh.

sweet little thing ;p

Soooo, have a good day everyone :D


izzarief said...

ade seyh lelaki yg x reti nak tukar bulb or setting tv nk dapatkan channel...last last..i yg kene buat...hahahaha

IRA said...

are u sure die laki? ke nyah? hahah