My head was spinning like shit I swear to God, and the bad news made it worse! We knew about the volcano in Iceland had taken place but anyway, my life has never been affected by a volcano so I thought it was just another volcano that doesn't have anything to do with me. Not this time, not lucky enough though. In fact, most of the flights around Europe were cancelled, and the airport had become some sort of refuge centre where people were bergelimpangan tidur on the floor. Seriously. Nasib baik dapat refund duit.
Hampa. We took the bus back to Rome train station in search of the train tix to Paris from Rome. Yeah, no choice. No flights were operating at the moment and train was the only option left so we bought the train ticket(s) which was 4 times more expensive than the flight ticket. -_-" And we declared ourselves - MISKIN HINA DI ROME, SUMPAH TAK TIPU.
Train tix kitorang first class okay! Nak jugak cakap! Biar! Coz itu je yang tinggal and we had no choice, otherwise we can't get out of Rome. Went to ATM to draw some money and all I could afford was 100 euros and that's it. I wanted to draw 200 euros tapi hampa because the ATM card terus keluar balik sebab tak cukup duit. Time ni dah start sedih, mana aku nak cari duit nihhhh, we still have Paris and London tour pending and duit makin menipis.
Done buying the train tix, we went searching for a cheap, CHEAP hostel. When I say cheap, I mean it. Hotel Roxena yang serious buruk gila, lift sempit nak mampus tapi layannnn, kau takde duit sila buat cara takde duit. Korang tak payah nak google Hotel Roxena kat Rome, aku tak rasa ada. Agenda for that day, tidur sampai lebam - tak puas hati kena tidur outside the train station pdhal esoknya flight cancel. Bongok betol.
The next day, off to Paris dengan menaiki Euro Star first class, FIRST CLASS ok. LOL, sila stop brag. Padahal kalau ada train yang macam KTM pegi Paris pun aku sanggup naik. That day, beli 3 bijik butter croissant. 1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch and 1 for dinner. Sumpah tak tipu, takde duit punya pasal. Padahal naik train first class kan (eh eh tercakap lagi) tapi makan roti 3 bijik je sepanjang hari. INI SUMPAH HARI KEBULUR AKU DEKAT EUROPE. tapi kuatkan semangat sebab serious takde duit. Kena save duit untuk pergi Disneyland Paris and expenses kat London lagi. Haish.
padahal xdelah best sangat pun 1st class
Memula kitorang macam nak overnight je dekat train station Paris, alasan yang sama ; takde duit lagipun sampai Paris dah late night so mcm tak worth it check in hostel. Walaupun dalam hati dah macam, ya rabbi merempat train station lagi keeeee, tapi macam, baeklah. But then when we reach Paris, orang yang asal2nya nak tidur train station tetiba beriya cari hostel. Dalam hatiii, YESSSS! So kitorang checked-in hostel yang tak berapa nak mahal and tak berapa nak murah, bole la. Tapi buruk je. Siap kena apply skill pengakap untuk masak air, sebab plug dia tinggi gila. Tah hape2 betul.
our hostel
Sampai je hostel, cepat2 masak air buat maggi. Perut aku dah dibanjiri gastric juice, tak tahan lapar gila dah. Berjaya jugak aku minimizekan belanja untuk makan. Yeay! Tapi azab perut lapar sepanjang journey from Rome to Paris, aku je tau. Lepas tu semua orang terbongkang tidur. Disneyland tomorrow babehhh!
We spent the whole day in Disneyland the next day! Yeay! But 1 day is definitely not enough to cover Disneyland!
Impian kanak-kanak
My personal all-time favourite is the Little Mermaid!! Kenapa eh? Sebab dia cantik and sexy. Hahahahaha. Tapi Peter Pan masa parade tu cute seyh, ada dimple! Serious suka parade diaaa! We all grow up with all these Disney characters kot kan, so macam, bahagia. Except for Joe. He doesn't even know the characters! BOOOORRRRIINGGGGG! Too much of Power Rangers and Ultraman Taro eh Joe?
Peter Pan!!
And the camwhoring session! These Disney characters tak layan all other kids but layan kitorang nak tangkap gambar dengan diorang okay? Serious tak tipuuu! Sukaaa! Tapi I'm not a big fan of this newer generation of Disney cartoons, macam Lilo and Stitch or Toy Story and blablabla so macam takde lah excited like crazy sgt kot. Tapi best jugak!
Eiffel Tower at night adalah sangat cantikkk! But we couldn't spend much time there cuz the last train to our hostel leaves at 12, kitorang sampai Eiffel pun dah 11 something, nak lari pergi train station lagiii, memang rushing gila. And that explains why I only have 1 picture with Eiffel Tower at night. Hodoh pulak tu. Takde masa nak posing banyak2 kali kot. Haha.
around the Eiffel Tower
Hye kak ira!
Ok question yg xde kaitan dgn ur post pun..
Dpt pe ek kalau dpt distinction second year??
I mean,college bagi hadiah ke..?
hye! ermm so far tkde dpt pape ade la pnah dengar rumours konon2 dpt duit..tapi tatau la betul ke far mmg tkde pape pon dh tak igt dah..hehehe..yg penting our own satisfaction :)
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