kenape perlu post gambar gedik kami berdua? hahahaha! simple, because i miss this guy a little too much! lately sgt jarang gayut and sharing is caring. no, it's not like what u think. we're cool. i love him still and he loves me too ira loves azar azar loves ira and i miss azar azar misses me too *aha okay stop sebelum kene lempang!* it's just that he's now on study leave and he needs to really concentrate on his studies, so that's why! rindu rindu rindu! sangat benci benci benci tgk couple-couple yg bertaburan di sekitar tempat belajar. sgt tak suke tak suke tak suke kalau teroverheard couple-couple tengah discuss weekend nanti nak pergi dating dekat mana. because i can't do the same thing. hm, rindu sama little dinosour!
(mood rindu malam ni agak melampau)
soo sweet.
seswai la u both. :)
muka sama!
shafiqah : thanks :D
nadd : yeah i get that everytime!
u sure ke ari ni teori paper?..
hahaha...gud luck azar!!...ira cuak ni!!
denin wakakakkaka ko la buat lawak! benci aku!
sy pon rindu bf sy~~nmpk en shah suap gf die depan lecture hall!sgt jeles n terbakar okkk!!~hahaha
bya : encik shah mane nii?matshah ke??lawak apekah?
en shah senior distinction ler!klu mtshah sgt lawak la weyh!!!haha~
wahahahahahahahhhahahaha mane la aku tau korang panggil die en syah wahahahahahahahahahha
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