Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to attend an event/ceremony in Malaysia when you're abroad?

Well I just did! Apa rahsianya?

Skype sudeyh ;p

Truth is, kak long I baru je selesai nikah dengan lelaki pilihan hati dia ewahhh. So, sekarang saye sudah ber-abang ipar la kan. Congrats to my dearest kak long! Sooooo happy for herrrr tapi sooooo sedih I can't be there to join the nikah ceremony :(( *nangis lebat-lebat* but I virtually attended the nikah ceremony, through Skype. Hahahahaha.

I tak main-main okay. Memula on skype, I pakai t-shirt je. Pastu I nampak ramai gila tetamu at my house, my sis dah suruh tukar baju proper sket. The night before when I was on the phone with my dad pun memang dia kata "nanti aku on skype time kak long punya nikah tapi kau pakai cantik2 sket, pakai baju kurung ke." I thought la he was being funny ke apa but really, semua tetamu pun leh nampak I on webcam so untuk tidak appear selenger maka I telah pun tukar baju kurung ahaha, baju je tanpa kain, pakai shorts sudeyh, calit ar lipstick sket sebab dahla I demam ni ha so muka memang habis pale la kan. LOL.

So, I was virtually there la. Siap borak2 dengan Mak Teh, Ayah Cha, Mak Ngah ha sume lah, bukan korang kenal pun. Semua orang gelakkan I sebab I was not there :(( Suke hati je gelakkan orang, sedih tauuuuu! Abah pun same, he said nak buat nikah jeeeee, nak buat kecil-kecilan jeeeee! DUSTAAAAA!

There's no such thing as kecil-kecilan la when it comes to my family sebab my extended family adalah sangat ramai. My dad je dah ada 12 adik beradik (in fact, my first cousin tu sebaya dengan my mom okay, betapa ramainya ) My mom pulak 8 orang adik beradik. So memang takkan la nak berkecil-kecilan. Family friends lagi.Mimpi lah. Siap berkhemah bagai. Argghhh sebenarnya macam expected la, takdenye boleh buat kecil-kecilan, tapi cam, redha tak balik Malaysia, tapi tadi time skype, cam sedih :(

Oklah, memang nikah je pun. Reception kena delay lambat sikit sebab nak tunggu family belah lelaki attend the wedding. Ohhh, jom I kenalkan abang ipar I (teeheee it does feel weird) His name is John, he's from Cardiff UK, umur I tak sure, 30++ rasenye ahaha okay that's too much of details. Dia dah lama ulang alik ke Malaysia for business purpose, uh oh, he's a chef. So dia dah lama kenal my sister and they started as friends then baru bercinta.

Dia dah peluk Islam about 2 weeks ago kot. Ke last week. I pun tak berapa nak sure, my dad yang tolong settlekan semua. So let's welcome him teeheee :) Uh oh, nama Islam dia adalah Azlan Abdullah. He picked the name himself. My kak long suggested Faisal, but tah dia tak nak. But Azlan does suit him better kot :D and disebabkan the photo I snapped through Skype adalah tidak clear, maka I curi gmbar ni dari facebook kak long I ;

Met him once time dia datang my house hari tu. Teehee he's slowly learning the Malay culture lah, he even makan pakai tangan masa dekat my house tu. See I was always a bit sceptical about dating someone who's not of the same race and religion tapi macam, love just happen kan, you can't decide you won't fall in love with orang jenis macam ni la macam tu lah coz love knows no boundaries. Cewah. So tak nak lah sceptical lagi pasal benda ni hehe.

About the reception, insyaAllah next year when families from both sides are free. Family Azlan aka John pun memang nak sangat attend the wedding. Hehe sporting kan mereka? :D Kali ni they will have to consider me when deciding the date for the reception. Kalau tak I merajuk 10 tahun. Seriousssssssss!

So sape2 yang adik beradik dia ke kawin when u're abroad, you can attend the wedding through Skype. Memang la tak sama macam attend the wedding for real tapi cam okay la gak, I memang siap dengar akad nikah, makcik2 kecoh, anak2 sedara sepupu menangis la apa la semua ahahaha. Teeheee.

Conclusion is, saya sangat happy for my sister. Tak lama lagi bole la I jadi aunty yeay! ;p It feels just like yesterday when we were kids, main lompat2 dari katil double decker, main monopoly lepas tu I merajuk sebab I asik kalah, main batu seremban la, I used to listen to her high school stories and time tu I budak hingusan sekolah rendah lagi so I can't wait to grow up sebab cerita2 dia dekat sekolah menengah adalah sangat best.

I used to be jealous of her sebab dia pakai barang branded tapi I selaku budak hingusan pakai barang Kiki Lala atau KIKO sahaja. I used to curik her branded jeans and tops and buat harta sendiri ahahaha. Used to try on her lipstick and all senyap2 when she's not around lol. Zaman I pakai seluar baggy2 and baju besar2 I used to criticized her why lah dia suka sangat nak pakai baju ketat2 jeans ketat2 semua. LOL. It's amazing eh how time passes by.

We had our bitter times together. We fought, we cried, we didn't talk to each other for some silly reasons. She cursed me, I cursed her too, a lot in fact hahaha but at the end of the day, we do turn to each other because she's my big sister and I'm her little sister and nothing can change that. Ouh I miss you and I love youuuu, Congrats kak long, I'm so so so happy for youuuu and I hope you'll have happy gooooood days ahead :) :) :)

Later I will post up her nikah pictures.

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